

数量: A Number is the Student Number assigned to each student who applies to pg电子官网状态 社区学院(截至2019年7月1日). 该号码用于登录myWallaceState 注册课程,支付学费,检查财政援助等. 见学号.

ACCUPLACER: ACCUPLACER is the assessment test for students to determine placement in math and English 类. Students with ACT scores of 20 or above or SAT scores of 470 or above in math and English in the last three years are not required to take the placement exam, as well 在过去三年内参加过ASSET或COMPASS考试的学生.

兼职: 兼职教师是兼职教师,通常教授夜校课程.

考勤验证: Attendance Verification is required of students for each class they take each semester 来维持他们的时间表. 接受经济援助的学生也需要 以便对分配进行制衡. 学生可以跟踪他们的出勤情况 通过学生选项卡下的myWallaceState帐户进行验证.


黑板: 黑板上 学生和教师通过应用程序进行沟通吗. 教练 通过黑板布置作业和学生提交作业. 它还提供 announcements to students, faculty and staff; a calendar, address book, and other 学生使用的工具,以保持轨道.


召开: Is the meeting of pg电子官网状态 faculty and staff prior to the start of a semester.

Co-requisite: Usually associated with English or mathematics courses that allow students to enroll in two courses during the same semester, one a developmental course and the other 那门课的下一级课程.

CRN: 表示课程参考编号. 每个类都有一个惟一的CRN 注册过程. 


天: 的 schedule uses abbreviations to indicate the days of the week 类 are offered.




R =星期四

F =星期五

S =星期六

DegreeWorks: 的 online source through myWallaceState that helps students track their progress 并为他们的学位计划提供课程指导.

支付: Disbursement is the delivery of funds remaining in student financial aid accounts 除去学杂费、书费等.,已被移除。. 钱是由 通常在开课后两周寄出.

双重登记: 双录取 allows high school students in grades 11-12 to earn high school and college credit 同时,将他们的大学学位提前两年.


教员值日: Days set aside for Faculty to complete professional development or tasks associated 他们的程序. 这些天不上课.

快速通道: 快速通道 is a joint partnership between pg电子官网状态 and local school systems which allow high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to complete up to two years of college 高中毕业前的课程. 所有的课程作业都在pg电子官网·萨特的电脑上完成 campus, but students are still able to return to their local high school to participate 在课外活动中.

FAFSA: FAFSA is the acronym for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, which all Wallace State students seeking any type of financial assistance or scholarships must complete. Students should complete the FAFSA at least two (2) months before the next semester 开始.

Flex术语:  Flex Start类指的是在删除/添加结束后开始的在线类. 他们开始 在迷你学期1和整学期课程之后,以及迷你学期2课程之前. 然而, even though the start date is flexible, the assignments, tests, and other assessments 在常规学期结束前都要交吗. 因此,这些课程的评价很高 积极的学生可以用更少的时间成功完成作业

翻转类: A Flipped Class lets students do homework in class, and everything else online (class 讲座等.).


平均绩点: GPA is your Grade Point Average and is determined by averaging the grades received, and is computed by multiplying the quality points earned by the credit value of each course and dividing the total quality points earned by the total credit hours attempted. A student’s GPA is calculated for each semester and cumulatively for the student’s 大学生涯.


混合类: 混合课程是指主要在网上授课,偶尔在校园授课的课程 visits for tests or labs, with the number of visits at the instructor’s discretion.


地点: Campus Locations of 类 are listed under Campus in the online registration link. 理解这些缩写是有帮助的.





JPB是指J.B. 彭宁顿高中

TBA is for To Be Announced, used if 位置 has not been determined when the schedule 打印.


迷你术语: Mini Terms are offered each semester, condensing a regular term course into a shorter 时间段,通常是半个学期. 每个学期的日期都列在时间表上. 在每个弹性学期中,提供各种科目的许多课程.

myWallaceState: myWallaceState 门户网站是学生用来申请入学,注册,跟踪他们的吗 schedule, grades and transcripts, pay tuition, view the course schedules, the college 目录和更多.


pg电子官网州: Online tool customized to help students plan ahead and manage their college experience, 包括要记住的重要日期的提醒.


在线类: An online class is one in which all lectures, assignments, and exams are conducted 通过计算机. 学生可以通过integrity、作业和考试观看讲座 通常是通过黑板上传递的. 大多数在线课程都需要Respondus测试. Online math 类 also have a final exam requirement which is scheduled on campus. Students with special circumstances may be approved for a proctored exam at an alternate 位置. 在这种情况下,学生有责任获得批准 proctor with approval from the instructor at a certified testing center, college, 至少在预定考试日期前两周寄到学校. 在线课程 are designated in the course schedules under a separate online heading for each subject. 


途径: 通路 encourages students to choose from among four broad areas of study — Applied Technologies, Health Science, Liberal Arts/General Studies, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, 数学). Students can choose one of these four areas that best meet their general interest, 在选择其中一个专业之前.

佩尔助学金: 佩尔助学金 一种不需要偿还的联邦财政援助形式是否与贷款期限一样长 student remains enrolled each semester; awarded based on need.

先决条件: A pre-requisite is a course, assessment test score or ACT score required to enter 或在一门课程中前进.

计划: PLA or Prior Learning Assessment measures the value of professional/career experience 这可以作为大学学分.

优先注册: A schedule for registering in which students are given priority for early registration 基于在pg电子官网州立大学完成的累计学分

专业发展日: 为教职员工留出获得专业发展积分的天数. No 这些天上课.


回到第四章: 的 required return of “overpayment” of financial aid funds when a student receiving financial aid withdraws from 类 before 60% of the semester is completed, and 没有通过至少一个学分. 未来的联邦财政援助奖励来自 pg电子官网状态 Community College or any other college will cease until the overpayment 是由学生偿还的吗.


学业进展满意(SAP): SAP is measured each term to determine if students are meeting the requirements to 获得联邦学生资助. 学生可以在myWallaceState上跟踪他们的SAP 帐户,在“财政援助”选项卡下-财务状况- sap状况. 参观学院 目录(第39页)的详细资料.

学生数量:  每个申请pg电子官网州立大学的学生都有一个学生号. 截至秋季 2019年,这个数字以A开头. 该号码用于登录myWallaceState 注册课程,支付学费,检查财政援助等.


稍后通知: TBA是“待宣布”的意思,在地点、时间、日期或讲师尚未公布的情况下使用 已确定何时打印时间表.

:设计、 An online resource for students to watch lectures recorded by 教练; for use in hybrid and online courses or as reference in traditional courses if used by those 教练.

成绩单: Transcripts are records of your education history and are required as part of the pg电子官网州立社区学院的入学申请流程. 学生亦可 通过myWallaceState的学生记录选项卡查看他们最近的成绩单.


W:数量 的 W Number was the first letter of the Student Number assigned to each student prior 至2019年7月1日. 

pg电子官网ID: A Wallace ID is the email address students are assigned when they first register for 类. 的 ID is used for their pg电子官网状态 email account and  to log in to 黑板上 和设计、.

Web协助: 有计算机实验室的课程,有老师在场协助.

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